Melanie Morgan

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  • Melanie Morgan

    When you said, “We also wondered about how the coaching experience might be more challenging if there was not such an easy rapport and empathy” it makes me think about coaching for competency situations where the coachee might not really want be a coachee. In these circumstances, I have luckily been able to get there eventually– but in one case it took a lot of work. For sure, empathy and compassion go a long way and are essential to coaching peers.

    in reply to: Module 2: Pre-workshop Discussion – Challenges with R2C2 #43867
    Melanie Morgan

    When you said, “We also wondered about how the coaching experience might be more challenging if there was not such an easy rapport and empathy” it makes me think about coaching for competency situations where the coachee might not really want be a coachee. In these circumstances, I have luckily been able to get there eventually– but in one case it took a lot of work. For sure, empathy and compassion go a long way and are essential to coaching peers.

    Melanie Morgan

    I had not thought about advice giving that way before. It does make sense that when the coachee (or whoever we are trying to help) comes up with their own solutions, those solutions would be more likely to be acceptable ones.

    Melanie Morgan

    When Oliver and I reviewed our coaching sessions we were able to identify times when we used the R2C2 techniques. With respect to relationship building, a safe and compassionate environment was established early on. We both tried to help each other clarify the challenge within the context by asking mostly “what” questions. When Oliver was the coachee, I tried to explore his perception of the obstacles that he described as getting in the way of his achieving his desired goal. I tried to keep the question “What’s getting in the way?” in mind. I tried also to focus on the person (Oliver) and not the story (what he believed to be barriers). When I was the coachee, Oliver helped me explore how my reactions impact my perceptions of the realities of my situation. We discussed how, in my challenge, delegating tasks would be a good way to lighten my work load at the cost of a perceived loss of a little bit of control… and that made me think more deeply about delegation as a viable option. He also helped me to take some preliminary steps toward making an action plan. We were able to start to generate some options for change so that somewhere down the road we would be able to co-create an action plan.

    in reply to: Module 2: Pre-workshop Discussion – Challenges with R2C2 #43814
    Melanie Morgan

    That Maria is one smart cookie! She comes up with her own solutions when given guidance and the space to do so by Heather.

    in reply to: Module 2: Pre-workshop Discussion – Challenges with R2C2 #43813
    Melanie Morgan

    I agree. I posted before I saw your post and I think it has to be done skillfully to make the coaching useful.

    in reply to: Module 2: Pre-workshop Discussion – Challenges with R2C2 #43811
    Melanie Morgan

    Which phases of the Adapted R2C2 for Peer Coaching do you see as most challenging? Why?

    For me, I feel that Relationship Building is something that comes somewhat naturally. I think that Clarifying The Challenge Within Context and Exploring Reactions & Realities will both be more of a challenge because these steps need to be done well in order to make sure that the coaching process can proceed in the right direction. It does not make sense to move to the next steps, Coaching For Change and Co-creating An Action Plan, before the coachee’s situation is fully understood. I seems like it would be equivalent to taking a good patient history before your start thinking about a management plan.

    in reply to: Module 1: Pre-Workshop Discussion – Core Coaching Skills #43776
    Melanie Morgan

    Thanks Oliver David for posting for us!

    Melanie Morgan

    Thanks Oliver David for posting for us!

    in reply to: Module 1: Pre-Workshop Discussion – Core Coaching Skills #43674
    Melanie Morgan

    I want to work on separating “coaching” from “teaching”. After reviewing the course materials I see that these roles are even more distinct that I had realized.

    in reply to: Module o. Orientation and Introduction Post #43635
    Melanie Morgan

    It’s Melanie here and as I said, I’m an APASS coach/assessor and want to do the best job that I can. I find coaching sometimes challenging and would love to learn how to be as effective in this role as possible.

    in reply to: Module o. Orientation and Introduction Post #43630
    Melanie Morgan

    It’s Melanie here and as I said, I’m an APASS coach/assessor and want to do the best job that I can. I find coaching sometimes challenging abs would love to learn how to be as effective in this role as possible.

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