1. Pre-Course Tests
Before diving into the online modules, let’s warm up with a critical thinking skills test and a clinical reasoning awareness survey.
Before diving into the online modules, let’s warm up with a critical thinking skills test and a clinical reasoning awareness survey.
Please submit a WORD documents, copying and pasting content from a recent (less than one months old), actual clinical note from your practice. Also submit a WORD document, copying and pasting the body part of a recent (less than one months old), referral letter you sent to a colleague. Contact ecme@ucalgary.ca if you encounter any issue when uploading your […]
(In addition to on-screen display, you may download and print the ECG images for answering the following questions.)
Instructions As part of the pre-course activity, please go through the two topics in the module. If you have questions for either of the presenters, you may post your questions or comments at the bottom of the topic page. Once you have gone through a topic, click the “Mark Complete” button at the bottom of […]
Return to Course Page Plenary Session Recordings Using the Electroencephalogram to Monitor the Level of Unconsciousness of Patients under General Anesthesia (Brown) Download Handout Workshop Recordings Workshop 1: Using the Electroencephalogram to Infer Level of Unconsciousness of Patients under General Anesthesia (Brown) Download Handout
You will learn to: Describe the national and provincial impact of the current opioid crisis Describe current action, legislation, and prescribing guidelines that have been established in response to the opioid crisis Explain how Canada’s current opioid crisis came to be Explain the impact of the opioid crisis on individuals, and families Click on […]
2016 Census of Canada – Visible Minorities (Alberta and Canada) The latest release from the 2016 Census shows that almost a quarter of Albertans reported being a visible minority, up over 40% from five years earlier. Cultural Competency Skills Workbooks These workbooks have the HPSACC self-assessment questionnaire, LEARN and BRIDGES models, and use dramatized […]
You will learn to: Describe the PRA process Indicate the roles and responsibilities of different contributors in PRA assessment Recognize the lifelong learning requirement of all practicing physicians Explain CanMEDS as a competency framework required to practice in Canada This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Instructions As part of the pre-course activity, please go through the two topics in the module. If you have questions for either of the presenters, you may post your questions or comments at the bottom of the topic page. Once you have gone through a topic, click the “Mark Complete” button at the bottom of […]
Welcome to this series of educational modules which have been developed to provide rheumatology care providers with information to support the provision of equitable care to a variety of populations. In this first module, we will review definitions and concepts to understand what equity is, and who is affected by inequities in rheumatology practice here […]
In this step, you will reflect on what you have learned from the pre-workshop activity and the workshop. There are two cases in the case exercise of this step. After completing Case 5, you will be able to move to Case 6. After completing the case exercise, exit from there. Please do NOT proceed in […]
In this lesson, you will learn to: Recognize inborn feeding instincts that support the breastfeeding relationship and cue-based feeding. Identify approaches to breastfeeding support and indicate why certain approaches are beneficial for the breastfeeding relationship. Introduction The breastfeeding relationship is a complex biological and emotional connection between the breastfeeding parent and infant. Inborn feeding instincts […]
Once you complete the pre-test, please move forward to the next module. There won’t be immediate feedback on your test results at this point. You will have the opportunity to review the answers of these questions later in the course. (In addition to on-screen display, you may download and print the ECG images […]
Intrauterine Contraception -Part I Intrauterine Contraception -Part II LNG-IUS 52mg (Mirena) Insertion Animation provided by ARHP (Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, USA) Any thoughts? You may post your comments below.
Listen to Danielle’s story and reflect on the questions below. What could have been done to help this woman avoid excessive weight gain during pregnancy? In your own practice, what do you say (or don’t you say) to women about weight gain? If you talk to women about weight gain, when does this […]
Submit your answers to all the questions.
How to use technology in this course Peer Coaching for Practicing Professionals is an interactive, blended course that uses online ECME modules, Zoom, and an interactive discussion. This section will provide you with instructions on how to use each element. Online Modules Zoom Discussion Forum Online Modules It is not recommended to access the online […]
Before diving into the online modules, let’s warm up with a self-reflection task and a pre-training survey.
You will be equipped to: Describe the mechanisms of action for opioids Distinguish the terms used in opioid management Recognize the rationales of choosing an opioid formulation Describe the basic pharmacology of individual opioids Recognize the recommendation of offering Naloxone during an opioid taper References Tools and Resources