New Project

Activity Profile Activity Title This is the title participants will select from a drop down. What type of Activity is this? Public Template Public Project Private Project _Activity Code _Project Type _Approved Step One: Identify a Practice Improvement Opportunity Which opportunity will be addressed in this activity? What data sources are available to physicians to […]

Module 1: Introduction

  At the end of this module, you will be able to: Recall the CanMEDS framework as it applies to your transition to practicing in Alberta Recognize the place for lifelong learning in maintaining professional competencies

1. Setting the Stage

  This module opens with two physicians talking about their own experience of violence in the workplace. It continues on to look in more depth at the background to violent behaviours, including potential risk factors and early warning signs. The importance of peer support and debriefing after an event is discussed by an assessment physician […]

Course Navigation

Navigation Schedule Handouts Certificate Navigation Welcome to the CME Virtual Conference running from [DATE].  Navigate through the conference using the menu below: Course Information Course schedule, handouts, and certificate information Plenary Sessions Breakout Rooms Help Desk Have a question? Get help from a CME Staff Exhibitor Hall Find more information about our exhibitors Schedule Lorem […]

1. Introduction to Opioids

  You will be equipped to: Describe the mechanisms of action for opioids Distinguish the terms used in opioid management Recognize the rationales of choosing an opioid formulation Describe the basic pharmacology of individual opioids Recognize the recommendation of offering Naloxone during an opioid taper Tools and Resources

1. Levels of Disinfection

  Let’s start with a basic element of infection prevention and control: Equipment Cleaning 101 – the classification of equipment cleaning. It is important to understand where disinfection of POCUS devices fits within the classification system for medical equipment and devices. Disinfection level required is based on Spaulding’s classification. (Click on the grey bars below […]

1. Pre-Workshop Clinical Notes and Referral Letter Submissions

Please submit a WORD documents, copying and pasting content from a recent (less than one months old), actual clinical note from your practice. Also submit a WORD document, copying and pasting the body part of a recent (less than one months old), referral letter you sent to a colleague. Contact if you encounter any issue when uploading your […]

1. Introduction

Bienvenue dans cette série de modules de formation! Élaborés au service des professionnels des soins rhumatologiques, ces modules sont destinés à vous fournir des informations utiles au soutien de la prestation de soins équitables auprès de diverses populations. Dans ce premier module, nous examinerons les définitions et les concepts permettant de comprendre ce qu’est l’équité […]

Module 1: Hand Hygiene

  Let’s start with hand hygiene. Watch the video. (If the play button doesn’t show up or there is delay for the video to start, you may refresh your browser.) If you cannot play the video above, go to AHS – Hand Hygiene Education page to watch it. No login required. (Scroll down to find […]

Self Chart Audit

  Please complete this audit of your own opioid practice. Do NOT send the chart data from your self audit. Respond to the questions when you have completed the exercise. INSTRUCTIONS: Randomly select 10 charts of patients currently receiving opioid treatment. Review the documentation regarding the following points: Complete history and physical prior to prescription […]

1. Opioid Pharmacology

  You will be equipped to: Describe the mechanisms of action for opioids Distinguish the terms used in opioid management Recognize the rationales of choosing an opioid formulation Describe the basic pharmacology of individual opioids Recognize the recommendation of offering Naloxone during an opioid taper References Tools and Resources

Lesson 1: Background

        In this lesson, you will learn to: Define an IFD approach Identify when an IFD approach can be used Why was the AHS Informed Feeding Decisions Approach created? The goal of the AHS Provincial Breastfeeding Strategy is to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding in Alberta within a patient and family centred […]

2. Course Evaluation

  We care about what you have to say! Please complete the course evaluation survey, which should take about five minutes. This survey is anonymous.  You will find the ‘Print Your Certificate’ button available in the course overview page. It is your CME certificate for completion of this course. To print or download the […]