2. Setting the Stage

Upon completion of this module, you will be equipped to: Situate the importance of clinical reasoning in a “back to basics” approach Transcript Greetings and welcome to our program on clinical reasoning. Before getting into any content, we would like to start out by re-emphasizing that NO information gathered or information about your performance during […]

Step 2 – Create an action plan

MyPI Program Overview Step Two Step Two: Create an Action Plan Define a goal, developing a change plan, and tracking your results "*" indicates required fields Hidden Name First Last HiddenEmail HiddenDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Hidden Project Approach I participated in, or am participating in, a PLP or AHS QI project I didn’t […]

Block Two Activity

Activities > Step Two Step 2: An action plan Defining a goal, developing a change plan and tracking your results Hold on a second. We must understand the problem before setting a goal and making the action plan. What contributes to the problem you identified? Identifying an area of practice For example, we could borrow […]

Module 1. Inequity, Social Resources and Diabetes

  Upon completion of this module, you will be equipped to: Describe where and how resource inequities experienced by Indigenous patients, impact diabetes outcomes Formulate one’s role in mobilizing critical opportunities and approaches for supporting Indigenous patients grounded in structural competency and advocacy 

Module 2: Communication

  You will learn to: Describe patient-centered communication Recognize cultural issues in health care Apply tools and resources to practice communication in an appropriate manner to the patients This module will take approximately 60 minutes to complete.

8. Post-Workshop File Upload

Module 8 is the second round of uploading your clinical and referral notes. Please submit a WORD or PDF document, copying and pasting content from a recent (less than one month old), actual clinical note from your practice.  Also submit a WORD document, copying and pasting the body part of a recent (less than one months old), […]

Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) Part 1

  Click on the image to start your learning: [vc_snc embed_type=”_blank” item_id=”48″ item_name=”Alberta ODT Module 5_Part 1 – Oct 17 2018″ button=”url” button_image=”https://ecme.ucalgary.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/M5-1.png” href=”https://ecme.ucalgary.ca/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/48/story.html”] Do you have any thoughts before we move to the next screen? You may leave your comments below.

2. Considérations populationnelles en soins rhumatologiques

Les objectifs de ce module sont les suivants Décrire les inégalités dans les soins rhumatologiques au Canada. Identifier des solutions aux difficultés d’accès aux soins rhumatologiques. Choisir un sujet de module pour examiner les discussions pour chaque population énumérée :

Module 2: Understanding Opioids

  You will learn to: Describe how opioids evolved Explain the impact opioids have on the brain and body, and the routes of administration; Describe the various opioids available Explain the endogenous/ exogenous system and interaction with opioid receptors Explain opioid agonist activity and affinity Describe current trends in opioid use Click on the image […]

Interprofessional Team and Collaborative Care

     Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC): A National Interprofessional Competency Framework ————————— Bainbridge, L., & Regehr, G. A New Perspective on Developing and Maintaining Collaborative Networks in Health Professional Care. This book chapter distills the competencies down to 4 practical and easy to understand skills for all health professionals. ————————— Dr. Lorelei Lingard – […]

2. Safe and Appropriate Initiation of Opioids

  You will be equipped to: Discuss active treatments options with your patients Use the approach of informed consent to set boundaries of opioid prescribing and functional goals for opioid therapy with your patient Frame the conversation with a patient around urine drug screening and its results Choose an appropriate opioid and route of administration […]

Lesson 2: Breastmilk composition

In this lesson, you will learn to: Identify the components and stages of breastmilk Identify what micronutrient supplementation is needed for healthy term infants Identify the nutritional needs of the breastfeeding parent Click for reference list Click on the topic 1 below to start.

Review of ECG examples

  You may access the following materials in this screen. The answers and explanations to questions in pre-course modules (Downloadable) The answers to the cases of February 21, 2020 small group workshops (Downloadable) The answers and explanations to pre- and post-test questions These documents are for ECG Interpretation Course participants’ individual use and not for […]

3. Learn with the Experts

You will learn to: Explain the importance of medical records Describe the common problems in medical records documentation List some strategies you can use for efficient and effective documentation Integrate the SOAP format in your documentation Recognize key elements of an effective referral/consult letter