4. Évaluation des cours

Great work! Thank you for taking the Equity in Rheumatology course. Please take the Immediate Post-Course Evaluation and Commitment to Change questionnaires. We will check-in with you about your Commitment to Change again after 3 months.

4. Elements of Clinical Process

Upon completion of this module, you will be equipped to: Apply the Flook Clinical Process model to clinical cases Accurately collect key history and focused physical exam data Order investigations to confirm or refute possible diagnoses Synthesize data to generate and justify a prioritized differential diagnosis which is revised when new information is available Understand […]

Module 4: Reducing Harm and Recognizing Opioid Poisoning

  You will learn to: Define harm reduction and the philosophy & principles behind it; Describe four primary components of harm reduction; Explain the signs and symptoms of opioid intoxication and poisoning. Explain harm reduction approaches as relates to opioid use disorder and current initiatives underway in Alberta. Assess for an opioid poisoning and respond […]

Module Evaluation

  We care about what you have to say! Please complete the module evaluation survey, which should take about five minutes. This survey is anonymous. The results will be considered in aggregate and used to inform decision-making and improvement of the module.      Module Summary   You will find the ‘Print Your Certificate’ […]

4. Three-month Post-training Reflective Activity Survey

After you have submitted your responses to this survey, you will find the ‘Print Your Certificate’ button available in the program overview page. It is your CME certificate for completion of the modules. To print or download the CME Certificate, click on the ‘Print Your Certificate’ button in the program overview page. You will see […]

Module 3. Colonization and Diabetes Care

  Upon completion of this module, you will be equipped to: Distinguish ways in which colonization influences diabetes care Define approaches for addressing unequal treatment within clinical care, incorporating Indigenous principles of relationship building 

Module 3: Impact of Opioid Use

You will learn to: Explain the neurobiology of addiction; Describe Opioid Use Disorder Discuss the impacts of opioids on mental & physical health; Explore OUD across special populations Discuss the biopsychosocial-spiritual model of addiction Explain the components of a comprehensive assessment for opioid dependency treatment Conduct a comprehensive assessment for opioid use disorder (OUD) Click […]

4. Pre-Webinar Clinical Notes and Referral Letter Submissions

Please submit a WORD documents, copying and pasting content from a recent (less than one months old), actual clinical note from your practice. Also submit a WORD document, copying and pasting the body part of a recent (less than one months old), referral letter you sent to a colleague. Contact ecme@ucalgary.ca if you encounter any issue when uploading your […]

4. Advise (Discuss and Understand)

  The key action Advise includes having discussions with women about weight gain using woman-centered care and reaching a level of mutual understanding. To increase the number of women who gain weight within the recommended ranges, it is critical to understand and use the Health Canada guidelines, but also to discuss them with women.  

Lesson 4: The LEARN Model

      In this lesson, you will learn to: Apply the LEARN model to facilitate partner and supporter involvement in breastfeeding Click on the topic 1 below to start.

4. Course Evaluation

Great work! Thank you for taking the Equity in Rheumatology course. Please take the Immediate Post-Course Evaluation and Commitment to Change questionnaires. We will check-in with you about your Commitment to Change again after 3 months.

4. Indications for Tapering

  You will be equipped to: Decide which patients are candidates for tapering Consider the patient’s willingness to change Develop an action plan if the patient is not willing to try tapering Describe the available evidence for opioid tapering References Tools and Resources

Case 3

  This case pertains to why we need to avoid inappropriate use of anti-psychotics, ED transfers, etc. in end-stage dementia. More than a year has passed since his admission to the continuing care facility. William’s daughter stops you in the hallway on your way out of building. William is eating very little lately, is losing […]

5. 3-Month Post-Course Evaluation

We care about what you have to say! Please complete the course evaluation survey, which whould take about five minutes. * The first question in the survey asks for your learning profile ID. Please use the number displayed below to answer that question. Your learning profile ID: 

Module Evaluation

We care about what you have to say! Please complete the module evaluation survey, which should take about five minutes. This survey is anonymous. The results will be considered in aggregate and used to inform decision-making and improvement of the module.  You will find the ‘Print Your Certificate’ button available in the module overview page. […]

6. Day-of Information

To download the program schedule, click here.   Course Handouts 0810-0900_P1 T. Findlay – Fibromyalgia 1050-1155_P2 S.Thomson – Rheumatology and Blood Testing 1240-1340_P3 M. Twilt – Auto Inflamatory & Auto immune diseases 1340-1440_P4 A. Charlton – Rheumatology infections and vaccinations W1 – M.Barber – SLE W2 – S.Wiber – SpA W3 – Ch.Penney & E.Campbell […]

Course Evaluation

Please complete the Course Evaluation form after you complete Module 2. Evaluation Survey

5. Referral

  Many factors can influence pregnancy weight gain such as physical activity, nutrition, sleep, mental health, access to healthy food, social context and more. Pregnant women may wish to seek support from a range of providers, for example, physiotherapist, dietitian, psychologist, social worker, exercise specialist. As limited time is often identified as a barrier when […]