
  Mohrbacher N. Breastfeeding Answers: A guide for helping families. 2nd ed. Arlington Heights: Nancy Mohrbacher Solutions, Inc.; 2020. Berens P, Eglash A, Malloy M, Steube AM. ABM Clinical Protocol #26: Persistent Pain with Breastfeeding. Breastfeed Med. 2016;11(2):978–86. Dennis C, Jackson K, Watson J. Interventions for treating painful nipples among breastfeeding women (Review). Cochrane Database […]

Introduction to CURIOS

What is CURIOS all about? Here is a short quiz to start off: Thanks for playing along.

Lesson 3: Acute Mastitis & Breast Abscess

In this lesson, you will learn to: Identify clinical presentation of inflammatory mastitis, bacterial mastitis, and breast abscess. Identify appropriate management strategies to support breastfeeding parents experiencing inflammatory mastitis, bacterial mastitis, and breast abscess. Click on the topic 1 below to start.

Lesson 3: Breast Variations

In this lesson, you will learn to: Recognize different breast variations and how breastfeeding might be impacted. Identify appropriate management strategies and interventions to support parents with breast variations. Parents with smaller breasts can be reassured that breast size alone does not determine milk supply, and many parents with smaller breasts produce more than enough […]

1. Introduction

All e-learning courses on the ECME website have a similar structure. Courses are divided into modules and each module has at least one topic. Course Module Topic Topic … Module Topic … You can use the side bar and the buttons at the bottom of each to navigate through a course’s modules and topics. Click […]

Introduction to Breastfeeding Assessment

Breastfeeding is a dynamic process that involves a series of feeding behaviours and interactions between the breastfeeding parent and infant.1 These feeding behaviours and interactions can be defined, assessed and measured to help determine breastfeeding effectiveness.1 The following practice support resource will be available to reference as you apply your breastfeeding assessment skills throughout the […]

Lesson 2: Nipple Variations

In this lesson, you will learn to: Recognize how breastfeeding may be impacted by nipple variations. Identify appropriate management strategies and interventions to support parents with nipple variations. Identify considerations for the use of nipple shields and recommendations for proper fit. Click on the topic 1 below to start. << Back Next >>

Lesson 3: Health Circumstances that Impact Breastfeeding

In this lesson, you will learn to: Recognize the impact of birth complications and interventions on the breastfeeding parent. Recognize the impact of physical conditions on the breastfeeding parent. Recognize the impact of mental health concerns on the breastfeeding parent. Identify appropriate strategies to support breastfeeding parents with various health circumstances. Click on the topic […]

Lesson 1: Insufficient Milk Supply

In this lesson, you will learn to: Recognize why different milk supply challenges occur and how they impact breastfeeding. Identify appropriate prevention and management strategies to support parents experiencing milk supply challenges.   Click on the topic 1 below to start.

Lesson 1: Pain & Discomfort

In this lesson, you will learn to: Recognize why breastfeeding-related pain and discomfort occurs. Recognize the impact of breastfeeding-related pain on the breastfeeding dyad. Identify appropriate management strategies and interventions to support parents who experience breastfeeding-related pain and discomfort. Click on the topic 1 below to start.

Introduction – Part 3: Engorgement & Mastitis Spectrum Disorders

Mastitis is defined as inflammation of the breast tissue that may or may not be associated with an infection.11 Previously it was thought that mastitis was primarily caused by milk stasis (restricted milk flow), but we now understand there are several factors that contribute to mastitis, including disruption of the breast microbiome and hyperlactation.11       […]

6. What’s Next

You’ve reached the end of pre-workshop activity of the Medical Record Keeping Course and will be unable to proceed to the next module until you attend the Workshop. What’s next? You will receive a reminder for attending the upcoming workshop. After the workshop, you will receive reminders at various time points during the three months […]

1. Two Roads

  When you watch the video, you may pause at any time to revisit the details. There are reflective questions requiring your submission of answers below the videos. Video 1  Video 2  Do you have any thoughts before we move to the next module? You may leave your comments below.