Module 4: Reducing Harm and Recognizing Opioid Poisoning

You will learn to: Define harm reduction and the philosophy & principles behind it; Describe four primary components of harm reduction; Explain the signs and symptoms of opioid intoxication and poisoning. Explain harm reduction approaches as relates to opioid use disorder and current initiatives underway in Alberta. Assess for an opioid poisoning and respond with […]

Course Evaluation

Please complete the Course Evaluation form after you complete Module 2. Evaluation Survey

Module 5: Women’s Health Copy

  You will learn to: Demonstrate the framework of approaching a well woman exam within the Canadian patient context Indicate resources to build comfort and competency in the provision of women’s health care Recognize some common factors that might affect female patients’ health This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Module Evaluation

We care about what you have to say! Please complete the module evaluation survey, which should take about five minutes. This survey is anonymous. The results will be considered in aggregate and used to inform decision-making and improvement of the module.  You will find the ‘Print Your Certificate’ button available in the module overview page. […]

Module 5: Women’s Health

  You will learn to: Demonstrate the framework of approaching a well woman exam within the Canadian patient context Indicate resources to build comfort and competency in the provision of women’s health care Recognize some common factors that might affect female patients’ health This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) Part 4

  Click on the image to start your learning: [vc_snc embed_type=”_blank” item_id=”51″ item_name=”Alberta ODT Module 5_Part 4 – Oct 17 2018″ button=”url” button_image=”” href=””] Do you have any thoughts before we move to the next screen? You may leave your comments below.

Post-course Assessment

      TOP Cognitive Impairment Guidelines Choosing Wisely Canada Antipsychotics Toolkit

5. Helping Patients to Change

  You will be equipped to: Choose language that encourages patient behavior change Assess a patient’s readiness to change in a variety of action areas Avoid creating resistance by recognizing common errors or habits Practice reflections and reframing References Tools and Resources

5. Foundations of Clinical Reasoning

Upon completion of this module, you will be equipped to: Describe the dual process model of decision-making and discuss benefits and disadvantages of System 1 and 2 thinking Understand the organization of physician knowledge including prototypes and illness scripts and the impact of cognitive load Recognize cognitive biases and understand how to mitigate their impact […]

5. 3-Month Post-Course Evaluation

We care about what you have to say! Please complete the course evaluation survey, which whould take about five minutes. * The first question in the survey asks for your learning profile ID. Please use the number displayed below to answer that question. Your learning profile ID: 

Module 5: Women’s Health

  You will learn to: Demonstrate the framework of approaching a well woman exam within the Canadian patient context Indicate resources to build comfort and competency in the provision of women’s health care Recognize some common factors that might affect female patients’ health This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

4. Tachyarrhythmias

  You will learn to: Demonstrate general mechanisms of supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia Categorize tachycardias to narrow the differential diagnosis Identify ECG findings to make the diagnosis of narrow and wide complex tachycardia   Handouts (Part I; Part II) In addition to on-screen display, you may download and print the ECG images for answering the […]

5. Helping Patients to Change Copy

  You will be equipped to: Choose language that encourages patient behavior change Assess a patient’s readiness to change in a variety of action areas Avoid creating resistance by recognizing common errors or habits Practice reflections and reframing References Tools and Resources


It’s time to check your knowledge! Please complete the following knowledge check questions and review the feedback provided. You will have one opportunity to answer each question. Scores are not associated with a passing grade—you simply need to complete the module to receive your certificate.

Lesson 4: The LEARN Model

      In this lesson, you will learn to: Apply the LEARN model to promote a positive breastfeeding experience Click on the topic 1 below to start.

Module Evaluation

  We care about what you have to say! Please complete the module evaluation survey, which should take about five minutes. This survey is anonymous. The results will be considered in aggregate and used to inform decision-making and improvement of the module.      Module Summary   You will find the ‘Print Your Certificate’ […]

Module 6: Assessment and Management of Chronic Pain

  You will learn to: Demonstrate the current understanding of pain physiology List common tools for pain assessment Recognize the team-based care approach in pain management Indicate Alberta practice standards and Canadian clinical guidelines on opioids for chronic non-cancer pain This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.

6. Tapering Plans

  You will be equipped to: Counsel a patient about what to expect during a taper Create a shared Taper Plan to address the common challenges for sleep, mood, appetite, GI, and activity during a taper Keep the bottom line of never going up the dosage and avoiding offering new medications when executing a taper […]