Post-Conference Webinar 3

Watch Live on ZOOM – Mar 12, 2025 at 7:00pm MT   Webinar Topic: Trauma-Informed Clinical Care: Fostering Healing and Recovery  PLEASE NOTE: Post-Conference Webinar 3 recording will be posted here once available (within 1 week of webinar date). Speaker Bios Dr. Sadie Elisseou, MD Clinical Instructor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Boston University School of […]

Opening Case Scenario

  The case scenarios in this module focus on the communication aspects of including partners and supporters. Technical aspects of breastfeeding support will be explored in other modules within the 20-Hour Breastfeeding Course. There are many factors that influence outcomes, depending on the situation. For reflective purposes, these case scenarios focus on particular factors only. […]

2. One Patient, Two Journeys

  When you watch the video, you may pause at any time to revisit the details. There are reflective questions requiring your submission of answers below the videos. Video 1  Video 2  Do you have any thoughts before we move to the next module? You may leave your comments below.

2. Understanding CVD Screening Tools

Knowledge Check: Below are the lab results for CVD assessment orders on 3 hypothetical patients. One of the patient’s results will be low risk, one intermediate, and one will be high risk. Select the appropriate result for each patient based on the information provided.

Discussion Board

Welcome to the ASACC discussion board. You may browse existing posts below, start a new thread/discussion, or join an existing conversation by replying to a post. To start a new discussion/thread, please scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your comment under “Leave a Reply” and then click “POST COMMENT.” Leave a comment, […]

Lesson 1: Postpartum Engorgement

In this lesson, you will learn to: Recognize why postpartum engorgement occurs and how it impacts breastfeeding. Identify appropriate prevention and management strategies to support parents experiencing postpartum engorgement. Describe reverse pressure softening and manual lymphatic drainage techniques. Breast engorgement in the postpartum period is caused by 1) accumulation of breastmilk, 2) vascular congestion, and […]

11. Certificate

Thank you for completing Medical Recording Keeping.  We invite you to fill out this evaluation, as we are always striving to improve our course: You will find your certificate available for your records below.

Lesson 2: Ductal Narrowing (Plugging)

In this lesson, you will learn to: Recognize why ductal narrowing occurs and how it impacts breastfeeding. Identify appropriate management strategies to support parents experiencing ductal narrowing. Inflammation and narrowing of the milk ducts occurs in response to alveolar distention and congestion of fluids in the glandular tissues.11 This inflammation and narrowing will worsen when […]

Post-Conference Webinar 4

Watch Live on ZOOM – May 28, 2025 at ___pm MT In this module/webinar you will learn to:   PLEASE NOTE: Post-Conference Webinar 4 recording will be posted here once available (within 1 week of webinar date). Speaker Bios Speaker name and credentials Speaker bio Additional Information Speaker Disclosures Faculty Credentials Disclosure Affiliation       […]

3. Who and When to Screen

Knowledge Check: In general, the CCS dyslipidemia guidelines recommend CVD screening for patients 40-75, every five years. However, there are certain conditions that increase a patient’s risk, and you may want to start screening prior to age 40, and/or more frequently in these patients. For each of the situations below, choose Yes or No to […]

7. Statins

Playlist 6 Videos 7.1 Statins – Effectiveness and Side Effects 7.2 Statins – Management Principles 7.3 Statins – Management for Muscle Symptoms or Elevated 7.4 Statins – Should Statins be Used in Elderly Patients 7.5 Statins – Clearing Up Statin Myths 7.6 Statins – Monitoring of Patients on Statins Knowledge Check: Now channel your inner […]

6. Canadian Cardiovascular Society Dyslipidemia Treatment Guidelines

Playlist 6 Videos 6.1 Overview 6.2 Treatment 6.3 Statin Indicated Conditions 6.4 Hypertensive disorders of Pregnancy 6.5 Lab Measurements; ApoB, Non-HDL-C, or LDL-C 6.6 Lipoprotein (a); When and how to use it Knowledge Check Ready to put your newfound knowledge to the test? Dive into these case-based quiz questions and show off how much you’ve […]

Introduction – Part 3: Engorgement & Mastitis Spectrum Disorders

Mastitis is defined as inflammation of the breast tissue that may or may not be associated with an infection.11 Previously it was thought that mastitis was primarily caused by milk stasis (restricted milk flow), but we now understand there are several factors that contribute to mastitis, including disruption of the breast microbiome and hyperlactation.11       […]

Module Evaluation

We care about what you have to say! Please complete the module evaluation survey, which should take about five minutes. This survey is anonymous. The results will be considered in aggregate and used to inform decision-making and improvement of the module.  You will find the ‘Print Your Certificate’ button available in the module overview page. […]

Lesson 3: Acute Mastitis & Breast Abscess

In this lesson, you will learn to: Identify clinical presentation of inflammatory mastitis, bacterial mastitis, and breast abscess. Identify appropriate management strategies to support breastfeeding parents experiencing inflammatory mastitis, bacterial mastitis, and breast abscess. Click on the topic 1 below to start.

Lesson 2: Nipple Variations

In this lesson, you will learn to: Recognize how breastfeeding may be impacted by nipple variations. Identify appropriate management strategies and interventions to support parents with nipple variations. Identify considerations for the use of nipple shields and recommendations for proper fit. Click on the topic 1 below to start. << Back Next >>