
  Submit your answers to all the questions and then move on to Module 1 Introduction. You will have the opportunity to challenge these questions again after completing all the modules.


  Dietitians of Canada, Canadian Pediatric Society, The College of Family Physicians of Canada, Community Health Nurses of Canada. Promoting optimal monitoring of child growth in Canada: using the new WHO growth charts [collaborative statement on the Internet]. 2010. WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. WHO Child Growth Standards based on length/height, weight and age. […]

2. Understanding CVD Screening Tools

Knowledge Check: Below are the lab results for CVD assessment orders on 3 hypothetical patients. One of the patient’s results will be low risk, one intermediate, and one will be high risk. Select the appropriate result for each patient based on the information provided.

3. Who and When to Screen

Knowledge Check: In general, the CCS dyslipidemia guidelines recommend CVD screening for patients 40-75, every five years. However, there are certain conditions that increase a patient’s risk, and you may want to start screening prior to age 40, and/or more frequently in these patients. For each of the situations below, choose Yes or No to […]

2. One Patient, Two Journeys

  When you watch the video, you may pause at any time to revisit the details. There are reflective questions requiring your submission of answers below the videos. Video 1  Video 2  Do you have any thoughts before we move to the next module? You may leave your comments below.

Tools and Resources

Physical Exam Videos Playlist 7 Videos Head & Neck Exam Body Survey & Bruising Fingernails Polylight Pelvic-Vaginal Pelvic-Penile Anal

Introduction – Part 2: Common Challenges for Breastfeeding Infants

For an infant to successfully breastfeed, they need to coordinate the suck-swallow-breathe process.7 There are many factors that can impact an infant’s ability to feed effectively, and these factors can be categorized as neurological, cardio-respiratory, gastrointestinal and oral-motor.   Examples of factors that impact effective breastfeeding include:17,38 Neurological: birth injury affecting nerves or causing pain, […]