Quiz Copy

Question 1 Subacute mastitis is associated with: Check all that apply Question 2 Mark the following statements as either true or false. Question 3 Appropriate management strategies for mastitis spectrum disorders include: Check all that apply << Back Next >>

Case Study 8 Copy

Please note this case study covers topics discussed in Part 3 Lessons 1-4. You are seeing Angie and her 6-week-old infant Kanti. This is Angie’s third baby. Her feeding goal is to breastfeed and provide Kanti some expressed breastmilk by bottle. In the last week, she started pumping 2-3 times per day, in addition to […]

Topic 2: Candidiasis Copy

Candida is a fungal yeast present in the normal microbial flora of the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, vagina, and skin, of which Candida albicans is the most abundant species.5 Excess proliferation of this yeast can lead to an invasive infection known as candidiasis (kan·duh·dai·uh·suhs) or thrush.5 Candidiasis and other fungal infections of the mammary tissue are […]

Topic 1: Subacute Mastitis Copy

Subacute mastitis is a chronic microbiome imbalance in the breast tissue associated with an overgrowth of coagulase-negative staphylococci or viridans streptococci bacteria.11 This chronic infection results in the development of thick biofilms inside the milk ducts, thus causing inflammation and narrowing.11,90 Signs and symptoms tend to be milder than those of acute mastitis.  Signs and […]

Quiz Copy

Question 1 Mark the following statements as either true or false. << Back Next >>

Topic 2: Breast Abscess Copy

A breast abscess is a localized collection of pus trapped in the breast tissue, occurring in approximately 3-11% of bacterial mastitis cases.5,11 It may occur when treatment for mastitis is delayed, incorrect, inadequate, or not completed.5 An abscess can develop at the same time as mastitis or weeks after it has been treated.5 The signs […]

Topic 1: Inflammatory & Bacterial Mastitis Copy

Inflammatory mastitis is a non-infective condition that results from persistent or increased inflammation in the glandular tissue and is often associated with ductal narrowing and hyperlactation. Signs and symptoms may include:4,11 Erythema, edema, induration, and tenderness in a wedge-shaped area, often starting within 2cm of the areola Deep breast pain Systemic symptoms such as malaise, […]

Quiz Copy

Question 1 Ductal narrowing is associated with: Check all that apply Question 2 Mark the following statements about ductal narrowing as either true or false. << Back Next >>

Quiz Copy

Question 1 What are the main causes of postpartum breast engorgement? Check all that apply Question 2 Manual lymphatic drainage may help to move the congested lymph fluid towards the lymph vessels. Match each step with the correct visual. << Back Next >>

Case Study 8 Copy

Background: Luisa is at home with her infant Gabriel and partner José, postpartum day 4. She is 39 years old and had a spontaneous vaginal delivery. Luisa previously breastfed her daughter for 6 months before returning to work, and she tells you she plans to do the same for Gabriel. Luisa says her breasts have […]