Additional Resources

Please note some links are to webpages external to AHS. These websites have not been reviewed in their entirety or endorsed by AHS for scientific accuracy or alignment with AHS policies. User discretion is advised as other resources on the websites may not align with AHS guidance. Early Years 0-4 Years – 24-Hour Movement Guidelines […]

Topic 3: Cleft Lip & Palate

Cleft lip and palate are congenital malformations resulting from the incomplete fusion of oral cavity structures early in pregnancy.17 This incomplete fusion results in structural variations of the upper lip, maxilla, alveolar ridge, nose, and the hard and soft palates.17 These variations will usually affect the infant’s ability to breastfeed effectively.90 Classifications of these variations […]

Case Study 6

Background: You see Renata and Diego and their 48-hour old infant Sebastian for support with breastfeeding. Sebastian is their second baby and was born at term via spontaneous vaginal delivery. Sebastian has been cueing to feed every 2 hours. Renata reports bilateral nipple pain with feeding, and you observe both nipples are cracked at the […]

Topic 2: Oral Anatomy Restrictions

Some oral anatomical variations may restrict normal movement and function and inhibit comfortable and effective breastfeeding.17,80 Breastfeeding dyads will benefit from extra support and care to navigate breastfeeding difficulties and treatment decisions that may arise. Ankyloglossia (Tongue-Tie) The lingual frenulum is a membrane present in all humans that attaches the tongue to the floor of […]

Topic 1: Musculoskeletal Challenges

Proper functioning of the joints, soft tissue and nerves of the cranium and cervical spine are required to breastfeed effectively. Musculoskeletal challenges may impact an infant’s oral motor function and ability to latch by making it difficult to obtain and maintain suction and compress the breast tissue. Early identification and support for musculoskeletal concerns will […]

Additional Resources

Please note some links are to webpages external to AHS. These websites have not been reviewed in their entirety or endorsed by AHS for scientific accuracy or alignment with AHS policies. User discretion is advised as other resources on the websites may not align with AHS guidance. AllergyCheck How Your Newborn Looks & Common Concerns […]

Topic 5: Oropharyngeal Candidiasis

Candida is a fungal yeast naturally present in the normal microbial flora of the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, vagina, and skin, of which Candida albicans is the most prevalent species.7 Overgrowth of Candida in an infant’s mouth can lead to an infection known as oropharyngeal candidiasis (kan·duh·dai·uh·suhs) or thrush, which can affect the infant’s ability to […]

Case Study 4

Background: Keiko brings her 8-week-old baby Kenjiro to see you, accompanied by Keiko’s mother Michiko. This is Keiko’s first baby. Kenjiro has been exclusively breastfed from birth, but Keiko is concerned with what she describes as Kenjiro’s constant crying and fussiness.   Keiko reports that nothing she tries seems to soothe Kenjiro. Michiko has recommended gripe […]

Topic 4: Gastrointestinal Disturbances

Colic Infantile colic is a disorder of unknown etiology, but it is suggested to include gastrointestinal disturbances. It is diagnosed when an otherwise healthy infant experiences unexplained episodes of crying for longer than 3 hours per day, for 3 days a week, for at least 3 weeks. These bouts start and stop without obvious cause and […]

Topic 3: Dehydration

Infants who are breastfeeding effectively will receive sufficient fluid to meet their needs.7 However, suboptimal breastmilk intake or increased fluid loss can lead to dehydration.7 Severe dehydration can lead to hypernatremia (high blood sodium), a condition that requires hospitalization.5 In breastfed infants, excessive early weight loss (see Part 1, Lesson 1, Topic 2) is associated […]