2.4 First generation immigrant and refugee populations

There are different paths in relocation to Canada. Immigration refers to a voluntary relocation, when a person moves from another country and becomes a permanent resident or gains citizenship. In contrast, refugees have been forced to leave their country, fleeing situations of war, persecution, or natural disasters in their home countries. We will review the […]

2.3 Elderly persons with frailty

This module discusses unique factors in the care of elderly persons with frailty who have rheumatic disease conditions.   Frailty is not necessarily synonymous with advanced age, however is associated with a prolonged life course. As well, it does occur more frequently in those with rheumatic disease conditions, and as we see longevity gains with improved […]

2.2 Indigenous peoples

In this module, we will discuss the experience of rheumatology care for people who identify as Indigenous peoples. Although not universal within the population, Indigenous peoples employ a holistic approach to health and wellness, and engaging health supports beyond the medical profession, such as including families and traditional healers to bring Indigenous ways of achieving […]

2.1 Rural and remote residents

In this topic, we will discuss considerations in rheumatology care for people with inflammatory arthritis who are living in rural and remote locations. (This topic will take approximately 30 minutes.) Primary care physician supply in rural and remote locations is generally limited. There are ongoing efforts to recruit and retain primary care providers to rural […]

Module 1 Feedback

Thank you for completing this module. Your feedback is important for us in further improving the course. The information collected through this survey will be used to evaluate the course. The information you share with us will be compiled with that of other participants for analytic and reporting purposes. Only aggregate results will be reported, […]