Topic 3. The Breastfeeding Team

  The paradox of received support may lead you to wonder what exactly responsive support looks like and how you can encourage partners and supporters to provide responsive support. A practical way to understand responsive support is think of partners and supporters as members of a “breastfeeding team”22 . Good teamwork requires open communication, as […]

Topic 2. The paradox of received support

  In the breastfeeding literature, numerous studies have found that when partners and supporters are involved in practical breastfeeding support and direct infant care, mothers are less likely to breastfeed.20 This paradox may seem counterintuitive — why would practical support have a negative influence on breastfeeding outcomes? A number of studies from the wider literature […]

Topic 1. Positive breastfeeding support

    Responsive partner support In their research, Rempel, Rempel and Moore20 found that a mother’s level of breastfeeding satisfaction was linked to the perception that their partner was present, involved, and sensitive to their needs. How the partner provided breastfeeding support influenced both the mother’s satisfaction with their experience and achievement of their feeding […]

Topic 4. In Summary

  Lesson 1 Summary   (Continue to Lesson 2.) Any thoughts? You may post your comments.

Topic 3. Grandmother and close supporter influence and perspectives on breastfeeding

  Any family member or friend can influence a breastfeeding parent’s decisions, goals and experience, but often female supporters (maternal and paternal grandmothers, aunts, sisters, and friends) are more closely involved with breastfeeding.3 Impressions of what is ‘normal’ and expected for infant feeding start to develop early as parents hear and observe the experiences of […]

Topic 2. Partner influence and perspectives on breastfeeding

  (Click on the grey bars below to move between the slides. Click on the bi-directional arrows at the lower right corner below the slides to enter/exit full screen.)   Level of partner and supporter involvement Partners and supporters’ level of involvement varies when it comes to infant and child feeding decisions and care. For […]

Topic 1. Who are partners and supporters?

  Often partners and supporters are spouses, close family members and friends. A partner and/or supporter can be described as someone that the breastfeeding parent considers influential and significant in their decision to initiate and continue breastfeeding. Partners and supporters are individuals that the breastfeeding parent will depend on for support in their home life.4 […]

Topic 4. In Summary

  Lesson 4 Summary   (Continue to Module Evaluation.) Any thoughts? You may post your comments.

Topic 6. In Summary

  Lesson 3 Summary Reflective Practice Reflection helps us to think about complex situations and to learn from experience. HCPs need to be careful when making assumptions about families they care for.   Evidence-Informed Practice Families look to HCPs for objective and accurate information and solutions to challenges. HCPs need to be familiar with current, […]

Topic 4. In Summary

  Lesson 2 Summary * Note that this table is adapted from a study that only included participants who identified as mothers.   (Continue to Lesson 3.) Any thoughts? You may post your comments.