Topic 1. Reflective Practice

  (Click on the grey bars below to move between the slides. Click on the bi-directional arrows at the lower right corner below the slides to enter/exit full screen.)       When reflecting on your experiences, it can be helpful to ask: What was my intention? What happened? Why? How do I feel about […]

Topic 2. About Conflicting Advice

  Conflicting Advice Parents say that inconsistent or contradicting information between HCPs is “confusing” and “causes undo stress and anxiety.”13 If you encounter conflicting advice, let your clinical judgment guide you to consider the family’s current priority. Is this something that they need you to address or that will help to keep moving things forward? […]

Topic 1. Positive and Negative Support Themes

    Explore each theme to see what breastfeeding parents have to say about their experiences of support. Quotations are taken from the literature and from provincial AHS complaints and commendations data. (Click on each theme to expand or collapse the detailed information.)

Topic 1. Your Impact

  (Click on the grey bars below to move between the slides. Click on the bi-directional arrows at the lower right corner below the slides to enter/exit full screen.)   How Jennifer promotes a positive breastfeeding experience in practice After experiencing breastfeeding difficulties with her son, Jennifer was motivated to switch her area of nursing […]

Topic 2. The Breastfeeding Context

  Breastfeeding support takes place within a wider socio-ecological context. When it is sensitive to this context, it is more effective in supporting positive outcomes. 4,8 Each breastfeeding parent and child has a particular context that is influenced by many factors. Understanding influencing factors is an important part of providing tailored, realistic information and care. […]