Topic 5: In Summary

Additional Resources: AHS Supporting Informed Feeding Decisions: Information on Infant Feeding Options for Health Care Professionals PADIS Poison & Drug Information Services Health Canada Licensed Natural Health Products Database AHS Tobacco & Vaping Information for Health Professionals AHS AHS Vaccination While Pregnant Information (Continue to Module Evaluation.) Any thoughts? You may post your comments.

Topic 5: In Summary

Additional Resources: AHS Nutrition Guidelines AHS Nutrition Services Virtual Group Nutrition Classes for Breastfeeding Parents Nutrition Services offers a variety of virtual group nutrition workshops and classes for breastfeeding parents, facilitated by AHS Registered Dietitians. Information and registration links are available on the Nutrition Services webpage Find Workshops & Classes. Parents can type “breastfeeding” […]

Topic 5: In Summary

Additional Resources: Khan Academy YouTube Video – Breast Anatomy and Lactation (Continue to Lesson 2.) Any thoughts? You may post your comments.

Topic 4: Quiz

Question 1 Your patient discloses they stopped smoking tobacco and cannabis during pregnancy but have recently restarted as they’re finding the postpartum period stressful. Together you develop a supportive follow-up plan and refer them to a cessation program, but they ask what they can do to protect their breastfeeding infant in the meantime. You reply:  […]

Topic 3: Contraindications to breastfeeding in Canada

Breastfeeding is rarely contraindicated, but there are few situations when a parent should not breastfeed due to a specific health risk. A health risk is a factor that will result in a negative health outcome for the parent or child.83 These factors may be temporary or permanent. Temporary Contraindications to Breastfeeding The following are temporary […]

Topic 2: Safety issues to consider for the breastfeeding child

Individualized, specialized care plans for breastfeeding dyads with the following conditions will be determined in consultation with a medical genetics team, who will advise on specialized diets to ensure that nutrition needs are met. Phenylketonuria (PKU)  Phenylketonuria is a genetic, metabolic condition that affects 1 in every 12,000 infants in Alberta.131 Individuals with PKU are […]

Topic 1: Safety issues to consider for the breastfeeding parent

A safety issue is a factor that is modifiable—there is a hazard to the infant or parent’s health unless appropriate precautions are taken.83 It is the HCP’s role to assess for safety issues and follow up with education and appropriate action to minimize the potential hazard. Medications Risk-benefit analysis of each medication should be conducted […]

Topic 3: Quiz

Question 1 You read about a new study on breastfeeding and child IQ and consider if you should incorporate the findings into your patient teaching. You know the following is true: Question 2 Your pregnant patient’s partner mentions that they heard that breastfed babies are less likely to develop ear infections. They ask what other […]

Topic 2: Health Benefits of breastfeeding

Questions about the health benefits of breastfeeding are common as parents decide how they will feed their infant. It is critical that the information provided by HCPs in conversations with families is accurate and up-to-date. The best-available evidence for the health benefits of breastfeeding is summarized in the following tables. Inclusion in the tables required […]