Topic 2. Case Scenario

      Reflective Case Scenario (Click on the grey bars below to move between the slides. Click on the bi-directional arrows at the lower right corner below the slides to enter/exit full screen.) Explore the options below to see how different HCP actions can result in different outcomes. (Click on ‘What happens?’ to expand […]

Topic 1. About the LEARN Model

  Including partners and supporters in breastfeeding conversations is a good starting point to assess their needs and engage with them. It’s also a great opportunity to encourage and empower them to become part of the breastfeeding team. The LEARN model is a relational communication tool that you can use in your conversations with partners […]

Topic 5. In Summary

  Lesson 3 Summary   (Continue to Lesson 4.) Any thoughts? You may post your comments.

Topic 3. Creating partner and supporter-friendly programs and services

        Big-picture strategies to include partners and supporters Researchers Sherriff & Hall26 have developed several key ideas for HCPs to engage with fathers and include them from an environmental and programming perspective. Explore the following suggestions and think about your own practice area. (Table adapted from Sherriff & Hall, 2014, p. 8) […]

Topic 2. Strategies to facilitate grandmother involvement in breastfeeding

  Grandmothers have unique needs when it comes to facilitating their positive involvement in breastfeeding. Many grandmothers have a lot of experience with infant feeding and your role as a HCP is to offer the opportunity for them to update and build on their knowledge as they navigate their supportive role.   (Information adapted from […]

Topic 1. Strategies to facilitate partner involvement in breastfeeding

  Research demonstrates that including partners in breastfeeding education and support improves rates of breastfeeding initiation, duration and exclusivity 24. HCPs can develop strategies that target partner breastfeeding knowledge and attitudes to facilitate improved partner involvement throughout the breastfeeding continuum 25 .   (Click on each row to expand or collapse the information.)

Topic 5. In Summary

  Lesson 2 Summary   (Continue to Lesson 3.) Any thoughts? You may post your comments.