Topic 4: Explore reactions and reality

In this topic you will learn to: Promote reflection on reality and challenge within the context Clarify focus for change and desired outcome … … You’ve reached the end of Module 2/Topic 4. In the next topic we will look into coaching for change and co-create action plan.

Topic 5: Coach for change and co-create action plan

In this topic you will learn to: Generate, assess, and prioritize options for change Agree on the change to be implemented and create a CTC Describe how you will evaluate and assess change … … You’ve reached the end of Module 2/Topic 5. In the next topic we will watch a coaching conversation.

2.4. Discussion & Workshop

In the Workshop 2 ‘Coaching for Change’ you will learn to: Practice using the five core coaching skills within the context of the R2C2 coaching model Sequence a coaching discussion You will practice using core skills and principles within the context of the adapted R2C2 for Peer Coaching model to sequence a coaching for change […]

1.3. Discussion & Workshop

In the Workshop 1 ‘Core Coaching Skills’ you will learn to: Demonstrate comfort in applying core communication and coaching skills in practice  You will practice your core coaching skills in this two-hour interactive online workshop. During the workshop, you and your partner will take turns playing the role of coach and coachee using a work-life […]

0.2. Using Zoom

Recording of Breakout Rooms Use of recordings on Zoom cloud will be for learning purposes only and the recording will not be shared or used for any other purpose, including by faculty or other members of the course. The recording will be deleted 3 months after course as per university retention rules. Steps to join […]

0.1. Discussion & Workshop

   Post and respond on the discussion forum:  During the workshop After the Workshop During the workshop Introduce yourself as part of the orientation. After the Workshop After the other workshops you are expected to post and respond. You would find the topic on this second tab. 

1.2. Core coaching skills

In this topic you will learn to: Listening for meaning and to encourage thinking Use paraphrasing and summarizing Notice details and nuances, and cultivate appropriate curiosity Give and receive feedback Ask powerful questions Core Coaching Skills There are five core skills that underpin and support successful peer coaching. These skills build on each other and […]

2.1. Exploring a coaching framework – R2C2

In this topic you will learn to: Describe the R2C2 model and understand the evidence-based underpinnings R2C2 is an evidence- and theory-based model for facilitating reflective feedback. The R2C2 model can be adapted for peer coaching for change conversations. Script 00:00:Welcome to the second module in the Peer Coaching program. This module is focused […]

2.2. Using an ‘adapted’ R2C2 for peer coaching

In this topic you will learn to:  Create a safe learning environment for coach and coachee to work together Explore and understand the challenge that brought them to coaching within the broader context Promote reflection on realities and the challenge within the context, clarifying the focus for change Co-create an action plan This ‘adapted’ R2C2 […]

Topic 3: Clarify challenge within context

In this topic you will learn to: Explore and understand the problem that brought them to coaching Explore and understand the broader context You’ve reached the end of Module 2/Topic 3. In the next topic we will look into exploring reactions and reality.