Case Study 2

Background: Sonja delivered Mylo 45 minutes ago via spontaneous vaginal delivery, APGARs 7/9/9, at 41 weeks gestation. This is Sonja and her partner Ivan’s first baby and Sonja has remained skin-to-skin with Mylo since he was born. Sonja indicated she has decided to try breastfeeding and will “see how it goes.” Mylo is starting to […]

Topic 2: Nipple Shields

Nipple shields are devices made of thin silicone, designed to fit over the nipple and areola and be worn while the infant is latched.4 These devices should be used with caution, as there is very little high-quality evidence to support their efficacy and safety.19 Some parents find nipple shields helpful and convenient, while others may […]

Topic 1: Variations in Nipple Size and Protrusion

Elongated & Larger Nipples When compared to shorter or smaller nipples, having elongated or larger nipples can be advantageous as it may be easier for the infant to latch.5 However, sometimes there may be a mismatch with the “fit” for infants, with longer or larger nipples causing gagging or a shallow latch, resulting in nipple […]


Question 1 You are completing a breastfeeding assessment with a parent who describes intense discomfort while breastfeeding. What do you keep in mind about how this experience can influence their continued breastfeeding journey? Check all that apply Question 2 Mark the following statements as either true or false. << Back Next >>

Case Study 1

Background: Jamie and their infant Emerson are home together after an uncomplicated home delivery 72 hours ago. This is Jamie’s first baby and they delivered via spontaneous vaginal delivery at 38 weeks. Jamie’s goal is to exclusively breastfeed, and Emerson has been feeding frequently and regularly since birth, with periods of cluster feeding. Jamie tells […]

Topic 3: Nipple Vasospasm

Nipple vasospasm is a common cause of nipple pain, occurring in approximately 20% of breastfeeding women.4 During  vasospasm, the nipple tissue constricts, causing the nipple to harden and change colour to white, blue or red. Nipple vasospasm may last up to 30 minutes and the associated pain is often intense and described as shooting, burning, […]

Topic 2: Nipple Damage

Nipple pain is commonly accompanied by tissue damage to the nipple-areolar complex. Approximately 80-90% of breastfeeding women experience some form of nipple damage.7 Prevention of nipple damage is key, and all parents should be taught how to position and latch their infant, as well as monitor and intervene if there is pain and early signs […]

Topic 1: Pain with Breastfeeding

Some initial tenderness can be expected in the early postpartum period as the nipples are compressed and stretched with latching — hormones also heighten the sensitivity of the breast and nipple tissue. Some parents may experience transitory pain or discomfort (< 30 seconds) when the infant first latches.1 However, persistent pain and nipple damage is […]


Question 1 Subacute mastitis is associated with: Check all that apply Question 2 Mark the following statements as either true or false. Question 3 Appropriate management strategies for mastitis spectrum disorders include: Check all that apply << Back Next >>

Case Study 9

Please note this case study covers topics discussed in Part 3 Lessons 1-4. You are seeing Angie and her 6-week-old infant Kanti. This is Angie’s third baby. Her feeding goal is to breastfeed and provide Kanti some expressed breastmilk by bottle. In the last week, she started pumping 2-3 times per day, in addition to […]