Case Study 6

Background: Parminder and her husband Vikram have a 4-month-old son and an older daughter. Their son Narveer was born at 32 weeks and spent his first 5 weeks of life in the NICU. Parminder has transitioned from pumping to her goal of exclusive breastfeeding by 3 months of age. Parminder tells you she felt very […]

Topic 3: Mental Health

Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders Mood and anxiety disorders are common during the perinatal period and are estimated to affect up to 25% of postpartum women.64 These disorders may be experienced more intensely in the postpartum period due to hormone changes associated with pregnancy and birth.64 Women with mood and anxiety disorders are more likely […]

Topic 2: Physical Conditions

Should they choose to breastfeed, any parent with a chronic condition, physical variation or disability should be supported to breastfeed. There is limited evidence on the relationship between physical conditions and breastfeeding outcomes. HCPs may consider targeted support strategies when working with parents with physical conditions, as they may face greater barriers to their breastfeeding […]

Topic 1: Birth Complications & Interventions

Intrapartum Medications Medications to manage obstetrical complications and pain are common. While many of these medications have the potential to negatively impact breastfeeding, unmanaged pain and dysfunctional labour also contribute to poor breastfeeding outcomes.42 Labour and pain management options should be discussed with the pregnant individual during the prenatal period and should include information about […]


Question 1 Which of the following are signs and symptoms of hyperlactation? Question 2 Mark the following management strategies for hyperlactation as either true or false. << Back Next >>

Case Study 5

Background: Li Na gave birth to her daughter, May, 4 weeks ago. This is Li Na’s second baby, and she has been exclusively breastfeeding. Li Na tells you that May has been coming off the breast frequently during feeds and has started to sometimes cough and choke at the breast. Her nipples are also starting […]


Question 1 Mark the following statements about Perceived Insufficient Milk Supply (PIMS) as either true or false. Question 2 Ada is 38 years old and is 3 months postpartum. She has been diagnosed with actual insufficient milk supply (AIMS). Which of the following strategies might assist Ada to boost her milk production? Check all that […]

Case Study 4

Background: Abby and her partner Naomi had their first baby Jax 4 weeks ago via Caesarean birth after a long labour. Jax was supplemented early on as Abby experienced a delayed onset of lactation until day 6 postpartum but was able to transition to exclusive breastfeeding by day 8. Abby and Naomi are worried that […]

Topic 2: Perceived Insufficient Milk Supply

Perceived insufficient milk supply (PIMS) occurs when a parent believes their breastmilk is not sufficient in quantity or quality to meet their infant’s nutrition or hunger needs.30,34 PIMS is suspected when there is clinical evidence to the contrary that milk supply and transfer is normal.9 Risks factors for developing PIMS during the first 6 months […]

Case Study 3

Background: Reyna is 42 years old and gave birth 3 weeks ago to her daughter Tala via Caesarean birth. This is Reyna’s second baby. She developed gestational diabetes (diet-controlled) and was induced at 38 weeks gestation for gestational hypertension. Reyna and Tala experienced early latching difficulties and started formula supplementation in hospital for low blood […]