Peer Coaching for Practicing Physicians: Tools & Resources

1. Introduction to Successful Coaching

The following references are used in Module 1:

  1. Alken A, Tan E, Luursema J-M, Fluit C, van Goor H. Coaching during a trauma surgery team training: perceptions versus structured observations. Am J Surg. 2015;209(1):163–9.
  2. Armstrong H. Coaching as dialogue: Creating spaces for (mis)understandings.: EBSCOhost. Int J Evid Based Coach Mentor. 2012;10(1):33–47.
  3. Graddy R, Wright S. Going the extra mile: Lessons learned from running coaches applied to medicine. Educ Heal Chang Learn Pract. 2017;30(1):89–92.
  4. Graddy R, Wright S. On the value of coaching in medicine. Acad Med. 2016;91(8):1037.
  5. Launer J. Supervision, mentoring and coaching. In: Swanwick T, ed. Understanding Medical Education, Theory and Practice, 2nd edn. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons 2013; 111-22.
  6. Lovell B. Bringing meaning to coaching in medical education. Med Educ. 2019 May 1;53(5):421–9.
  7. Lovell B. What do we know about coaching in medical education? A literature review. Med Educ. 2018;52(4):376–90.
  8. McDowall A, Butterworth L. How does a brief strengths-based group coaching intervention work? Coach An Int J Theory, Res Pract. 2014;7(2):152–63.
  9. O’Broin A, Palmer S. Exploring key aspects in the formation of coaching relationships: initial indicators from the perspective of the coachee and the coach. Coach An Int J Theory, Res Pract. 2010;3(2):124–43.
  10. Reynolds M. Coach the Person, Not the Problem: A Guide to Using Reflective Inquiry. Oakland: Berrett-Koehler; 2020.
  11. Reynolds M. The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.; 2014.
  12. Rogers J. Coaching Skills: The Definitive Guide to being a Coach. Open University Press; 4th edition, 2016
  13. Schwartz JM, Wittkugel E, Markowitz SD, Lee JK, Deutsch N. Coaching for the pediatric anesthesiologist: Becoming our best selves. Pediatr Anesth. 2021;31(1):85–91.
  14. Sonesh SC, Coultas CW, Lacerenza CN, Marlow SL, Benishek LE, Salas E. The power of coaching: a meta-analytic investigation. Coach An Int J Theory, Res Pract. 2015;8(2):73–95.
  15. Stanier MB. The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever. Toronto: Box of Crayons Press; 2016.
  16. Thorn PM, Raj JM. A culture of coaching: achieving peak performance of individuals and teams in academic health centers. Academic Medicine. 2012 Nov; 87(11): 1482-3.
  17. Yossi I. What is ‘ Coaching ’? An Exploration of Conflicting Paradigms. Int J Evid Based Coach Mentor. 2008;6(2):100–13.
  18. Van Nieuwerburgh C. An Introduction to Coaching Skills: A Practical Guide. 3rd ed. Jarrold A, editor. Los Angeles: Sage; 2020.



Lovell B. What do we know about coaching in medical education? A literature review. Med Educ. 2018;52(4):376–90.

Schwartz JM, Wittkugel E, Markowitz SD, Lee JK, Deutsch N. Coaching for the pediatric anesthesiologist: Becoming our best selves. Pediatr Anesth. 2021;31(1):85–91.


COACH the Person, Not the Problem with Marcia Reynolds. 2020 June 5. Available from:

  • Focus on leadership, conversations can provoke powerful transformations, importance of not knowing, discomfort zone; necessary for growth, challenge thinking to make space for learning, notice shifts in emotion, questioning, reflective inquiry promotes insight, thinking partner


How To Be. UEL Professor Christian van Nieuwerbergh on Being A Good Coach. 2021 March 13. Available from:


How to Coach the Person, Not the Problem with Marcia Reynolds, PsyD, MCC. 2021 February 1. Available from:

  • Start at 3:25; Transformational process, thinking partners, reflection, role of emotions until 30:00;
  • Start at 33:00; Then example of coaching starting until 47:00


Laser Coaching Clip – Marion Franklin. 2016 August 17. Available from:

  • Struggles with setting goals of coaching; paraphrasing; use of ‘what’ questions


The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier | Core Message. 2018 November 28. Available from:


The Closet Series with Marion Franklin. 2021 December 7. Available from:

  • Talks about curiosity, focus on person not story, use of themes, ‘what’ questions, silence until 12:00 minute point


TEDx Talks. How to tame your Advice Monster | Michael Bungay Stanier | TEDxUniversityofNevada. 2020 March 13. Available from:

  • How giving advice compromises conversations; solving the wrong problem, gives the message that person cannot figure it out themselves, instead stay curious, ask questions


TED. Why Everyone Needs a Coach OCTM | Atul Gawande. 2018 October 11. YouTube. Available from:

2. Coaching for Change

The following references are used in Module 2:

  1. Armson H, Lockyer JM, Zetkulic M, Könings KD, Sargeant J. Identifying coaching skills to improve feedback use in postgraduate medical education. Med Educ. 2019;53(5):477–93.
  2. Armson H, Elmslie T, Roder S, Wakefield J. Is the cognitive complexity of commitment-to-change statements associated with change in clinical practice? an application of Bloom's taxonomy. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2015;35(3):166–75.
  3. Continuing Professional Development & Medical Education DU. R2C2 Feedback and Coaching Resources [Internet]. [cited 2022 Feb 28]. Available from:
  4. Jinks D, Dexter J. What do you Really Want: an Examination of the Pursuit of Goal Setting in Coaching. Int J Evid Based Coach Mentor. 2012;10(2):100–10.
  5. Reynolds M. Coach the Person, Not the Problem: A Guide to Using Reflective Inquiry. Oakland: Berrett-Koehler; 2020.
  6. Reynolds M. The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.; 2014.
  7. Sargeant J, Lockyer J, Mann K, Holmboe E, Silver I, Armson H, et al. Facilitated Reflective Performance Feedback: Developing an Evidence-and Theory-Based Model That Builds Relationship, Explores Reactions and Content, and Coaches for Performance Change (R2C2). Acad Med. 2015 Dec 1;90(12):1698–706.
  8. Stanier MB. The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever. Toronto: Box of Crayons Press; 2016.
  9. Wolff M, Deiorio NM, Miller Juve A, Richardson J, Gazelle G, Moore M, et al. Beyond advising and mentoring: Competencies for coaching in medical education. Medical Teacher. 2021;43(10):1210–3.
  10. Van Nieuwerburgh C. An Introduction to Coaching Skills: A Practical Guide. 3rd ed. Jarrold A, editor. Los Angeles: Sage; 2020.

Continuing Professional Development and Medical Education, Dalhousie University. R2C2 Feedback and Coaching Resources [Internet]. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Available from: