Medical Record Keeping Post-Workshop Activity

This is the online space for post-workshop activity of the Medical Record Keeping Course. Participants of this course are REQUIRED to complete all the requirements of post-workshop activity before attending the three-month post-workshop webinar. You will receive reminders at various time points during the three months to complete specific course requirements here. Medical Record Keeping: […]

Confident ECG Interpretation: Post-Course Activity

This is the post-course assessment of the Confident ECG Interpretation Course. Upon completing the test, you will have access to answers and explanations of all the ECG examples of this Course. ABOUT THE COURSE The Confident ECG Interpretation Course is facilitated by cardiologists from the University of Calgary Cardiac Sciences. The course is designed for family […]

Medical Record Keeping

ABOUT THE COURSE The medical record facilitates good care. With contemporaneous documentation of patient encounters, the reflection and review can reinforce the consistency, completeness and quality of your clinical activities. This course aims to address sufficient documentation, which is central to patient safety and continuity of quality care. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the course, […]

2023 Confident ECG Interpretation: Pre-Course Activity

This is the pre-course component of 2023 ECG Interpretation Course. Participants of this course are REQUIRED to complete the pre-course activity before going to the face-to-face sessions.   ABOUT THE COURSE This course will provide a review of basic 12-lead ECG interpretation skills. The course is designed to enhance ECG interpretation skills for the purpose […]

Pre-Training Requirement of Office Gyne Training for Family Physicians

ABOUT THE COURSE These are the pre-training components of IUD Insertion and Endometrial Biopsy Training, Office Gynecology Training for Family Physicians Program. Participants of this course are REQUIRED to watch the two podcasts and complete the pre-training needs assessment survey prior to the hands-on session. (Read more about the course: TO NAVIGATE THROUGH THE […]

2023 Rheumatology Clinical Update: Pre-Course Activity

This is the pre-course component of Rheumatology Clinical Update Course 2023. Participants of this course are REQUIRED to complete the pre-course activity before going to the face-to-face sessions. ABOUT THE COURSE This program aims to update practitioners in a wide variety of areas of Rheumatology relevant to general practice including: lupus, spondyloarthropathy, rheumatologic emergencies, and […]